Masuk Daftar

harta bersama bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "harta bersama"
  • harta:    riches; treasure; lettuce; kale; moolah; place;
  • bersama:    common and shared; simultaneous; along; co; co-;
  • harta:    riches; treasure; lettuce; kale; moolah; place; pelf; boodle; immovable; real property; loot; holding; property; wealthiness; possessions; estate; wealth; bread; sugar; possession; dough; cabbage; s
  • bersama:    common and shared; simultaneous; along; co; co-; communal; concerted; in association with; in conjunction (with); jointly; mutual; together; together with; united; corporate; accompany; and; common;
  • harta (majalah):    harta (magazine)
  • harta akanan:    accrued assets
  • harta bawaan:    bowry protion; marriage protion; dowry
  • harta beku:    frozen asset
  • harta benda:    asset; good and chattel; wealth; possessions; good; land; inheritance; belongings; property; heirloom; holding; possession; riches
  • harta berakumulasi:    accrued asset
  • harta berwujud:    tangible assets
  • harta cair:    watered asset
  • harta intelek:    intellectual property
  • harta karun:    pay dirt; rich treasures; treasure; gem; hoarded wealth
  • harta kawin:    bridewealth
  • And then both parties will go home with their portion of the staple factory.
    Dan lalu kedua belah pihak akan pulang dengan bagian mereka dari pembagian harta bersama.
  • Divorce lawsuit, joint property lawsuit, heir dispute, heir stipulation and so forth.
    Gugatan perceraian, gugatan harta bersama, sengketa ahli waris, penetapan ahli waris dan lain sebagainya.
  • It's a translation of the Arabic phrase "Bayt-ul Mal". If this is not officially established in your country, then consider charitable Muslim organizations.
    Baitul Mal adalah tempat harta bersama kaum muslimin. Jika secara resmi tidak ada di negara Anda, maka pertimbangkanlah organisasi penyumbang muslim.